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上传人:apanghuang35 2017/5/29 文件大小:101 KB





文档介绍:1 再论系统膜原论的功能层次【摘要】从人体复杂系统研究焦距揆度膜原, 应有两个系统:狭义膜原系统、广义膜原系统。狭义膜原论内涵:一直行纵向伏膂膜(原) ,二横断面走向横膈膜膜(原)的关系结构;广义膜原论内涵: ①九横断层膜(原),②九直行纵向膜(原),③十八横轮的横断切面膜(原)的三组关系结构。三焦为原气之别使主司功能的人体气化巨系统, 决定了系统膜原论的功能层次。功能层次的大系统, 统辖下层的诸子系统。巨、大、小子系统功能层次制约着各层次纵横交叉膜原的关系网络“纽结”, 关系网络纽结的有机对应单元, 决定了诸系统膜原的特殊结构。系统膜原论是建构在三焦——膜原门户说经典命题上,薛生白的“膜原为三焦之门户”说具有卓越的原创性贡献, 解构这一命题, 打开三焦玄奥性大门, 把处于尘封, 模糊状态的膜原说, 引入到复杂系统研究范畴内, 将平面几何图式的迷茫膜原, 激活成立体三维结构空间膜原, 促使其站立、行走、鲜活起来, 纳入到三焦气化巨系统内, 以主司、循、历、络、约, 层层贯通的整体恒动说, 通会一气, 最终落实到“方蝽证”对应, 临床有效治疗的焦点上,开拓中医系统膜原论自主创新的现代模式。 2 【关键词】系统膜原论;功能层次;三焦;三焦门户;内经;温疫论;关系结构 Abstract : The re should be two systems studying plex human system: pleurodiaphragmatic interspace systems of narrow 拟 meaning and broad 拟 narrow 拟 meaning one ’s connotation: a vertical hidden pleurodiaphragmatic interspace , the structure of2 horizontal pleurodiaphragmatic interspace;the broad 拟 meaning one ’s connotation: the relation structure of①9 fault horizontal pleurodiaphragmatic interspaces ,②9 straight vertical pleurodiaphragmatic interspaces ,③ pleurodiaphragmatic interspaces of 18 horizontal 拟 wheel cross 拟 jiao is the human ’s giant system of Qi function of essential Qi, deciding the functional level of pleurodiaphragmatic large system of functional level governs all the sub 拟 levels of systems control the knob of intersected pleurodiaphragmatic interspaces;the knob corresponds to unit deciding the special structures of all systems of pleurodiaphragmatic systemic pleurodiaphragmatic interspace theory is based on the classic 3 subject of tri拟 jiao — the door of pleurodiaphragmatic Shengbai ’s principle has outstanding initial achievement in analyzing the subject , opening the secret gate of tri拟 jiao , guiding the sealed and blurred pleurodiaphragmatic interspace theory plex systemic research , activating the horizontal confusing pleurodiaphragmatic interspace into dimensional structural space , promoting it stand up and walk and be aliv