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文档介绍:DEVELOPMENT AND INVITRO EVALUATION OF FAST DISSOLVING TABLETS OF GLIPIZIDE 格列吡嗪速释片的研制和体外评价 BIRAJU PATEL* 1, DHAVAL PATEL 1, RAMESH PARMAR 1, CHIRAG PATEL 1, TEJAS SERASIYA 2, . SANJA 3* 1 Veerayatan Institute of Pharmacy, Mandvi, Gujarat, India. 2 Smt. Mahila Pharmacy College, Atkot, Gujarat, India 3 Govt. Pharmacy College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India. E-mail: patel_******@., dhaval_******@. Phone No.: +91 99 790 22666. 备注: 个人渣翻译 ABSTRACT 摘要 In the present work, fast dissolving tablets of glipizide were prepared by pression method with a view to enhance pliance. Two superdisintegrants viz, crospovidone and croscarmellose sodium (4%, 5%, 6%) with different binders viz, pvp k-30 and pregelatinized starch (3%) were used. The prepared batches of tablets were evaluated for hardness, friability, weight variation, disintegration, wetting time, drug content and in vitro dissolution studies. Based on evaluating parameters, Formulation prepared by using 5% croscarmellose sodium with 3% PVP K30 was selected as optimized formulation. Finally, the optimized formulation pared with marketed conventional formulation. Stability studies were carried out at 25oC/ 60% RH and 40oC/ 75% RH for optimized formulation for 2 months. Stability studies on the optimized formulation indicated that there was no significant change found in physical appearance, disintegration time and wett


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