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文档介绍:1 输尿管息肉的诊断与治疗【摘要】目的探讨输尿管息肉的诊断及治疗方法。方法回顾分析 16 例原发性输尿管息肉患者的临床资料, 其中 2 例行肾输尿管大部切除术, 10 例行病变输尿管切除加肾盂成形术或输尿管再植术, 4 例行息肉切除加基底电灼术。结果术后 12 例获得 2-60 个月随诊, 未见息肉复发与恶变。结论 X 线造影是重要的诊断方法,术前确诊需依靠输尿管镜检查加组织活检。根据病变数量、累及输尿管范围及患者肾功能决定手术方法。【关键词】输尿管息肉诊断手术治疗 Diagnosis and treatment of ureteral polyp (report of 16 cases) ABSTRACT: Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of ureteral polyps. Methods The data of 16 cases of ureteral polyps were reviewed and discussed. 2 cases were treated with nephroureterectomy; 10 cases with local resection plus pyeloplasty or ureteral rEimplantation; 4 cases with polyps 2 resection plus basement fulguration. Results 12 cases had been followed up for 2-60 months with no recurrence or canceration. Conclusion X拟 ray opacification is an important method in the diagnosis of ureteral polyps, but the final diagnosis depends on ureteroscopy and biopsy. A correct choice of the surgical approach should be decided by the number of polyps, the area involved and the renal unit function of patients. KEY WORDS: ureteral polyp; diagnosis; surgical therapy 原发性输尿管息肉临床较少见,我院 1989 年至 200 6 年共收治原发性输尿管息肉患者 16 例,现报告如下。 1 资料与方法 一般资料本组 16例,男 12例,女4例, 年龄 23-4 5 岁, 平均 岁。均为单侧,其中左侧 13 例,右侧 3 例。输尿管上段 14 例,下段 2 例;单发 4 例,局部多发 12例。病史 2月-5 年。 12 例感觉患侧腰区胀痛不适, 1 例血尿,两者均有 3例, 其中镜下血尿 2例。B 超提示所有患者肾积水, 1 例输尿管上段占位性病变。静脉肾盂造影 2 例肾、输尿管 3 未显影, 14 例显示不同程度肾盂、肾盏扩张及杯口变钝,其中9 例输尿管内有边缘光滑的充盈缺损及近端输尿管扩张,