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文档介绍:卤料制作方法(Method for making halogen material)
special introduction
A major class of Sichuan Lucai genera and five type ofy soft cooked tasty. The quality of the brine can be improved by the animal raw materials which are often spiced with tasty feet.
umami raw materials (pork, chicken, duck), preferably with the raw materials of heavy odor (cattle, sheep, meat, intestines, tripe and so on), respectively, using brine, in order to ensure the quality of halogen products.
the brine of halogen soy products is best to be used at one time, not reused.
, often check brine salinity, color, fragrance and brine volume, and be filled or replaced to ensure the quality of brine.
brine storage
The brine should be filtered regularly to ensure the cleanness and sanitation. When it is stored, it needs to boil and remove too much oil. It can not be used in the ceramic cylinder or enamel barrel. If it is not used for a long time, it should be stored again after boiling.
6 、 raw material processing and brine making method
, the processing of raw materials: raw materials (all kinds of food meat) meat, meat wash blanch fishy, diced (whole meat generally larger pieces of the weight of about 200 grams, liver, intestines, block), chicken and duck gizzard wings, hoof, duck and goose neck and other small pieces of food without cutting block. Blanch time should be decided depending on material texture, taste good, smell light material, boiled water to be able to remove the smell of blood, remove into the halogen pot of. Beef and mutton, stomach, intestines and other heavy odor of raw materials, boiled until cooked (cooked 15 minutes) and then into the halogen pot fishing. Vegetable dish (soybean product and fruit wash).
, bittern method: raw materials into the brine pan, the marinade should be submerged materials, stir Shaofei remove scum,
A small fire to stew or mature cake. Depending on the material texture, old, tender, flexible, master the furnace. Usually in the brine pot to keep t