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II. Listening Skills
1. M: Why don’t we go to the concert today?
W: I’ll go get the keys.
Q: Whatg again. She couldn’t believe it when the audience shouted for her to sing it again. The cycle of shouts and songs was repeated ten more times. The singer was overjoyed with the response from the audience. She talked them and asked them why they were so much audience in hearing the same song again and again. One of the people in the audience replied, “We wanted you to improve it; now it is much better.”
2: The Carpenters
W: They play “Yesterday Once More” all the time on the campus radio. Do you like it? M: I do. I never get tired of it. I like the Carpenters. Their voices are so beautiful and clear. I guess that’s why they’re so popular.
W: I like the way their voices blend. There were just two of them, brother and sister, right? M: Yes, Richard and Karen I think they were. She died I think.

W: Yes, anorexia. It is hard to believe that someone so beautiful would starve herself to death.
M: It’s a problem everywhere in the world, including China, I’m afraid. Women worry too much about their appearances, and are so crazy about losing weight.
W: Well, let’s go for lunch before we go to the concert.
1. beautiful and clear 2. blend well 3. sister 4. worry too much 5