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The Ethics Of Autonomous vehicles
Kyler Branaum, Lindsey Young, Kody Myers
Autonomous Vehicles Definnnounced in 2012 gives similar features
Lane departure warning
Lazy or inattentive drivers can automatically be moved
Blind spot monitoring
Warn if cars are in blind spots
Pedestrian detection
Automatic brake or warning
Adaptive cruise control + forward collision warning
Car stays a safe distance behind cars ahead of it
Warns or takes action in case of danger
Statistical and Professional Support
32,719 people were killed in car accidents in the US alone in 2013
The Institute for Highway Safety reported the following in 2014
7% reduction in crashes for vehicles with forward collision warning systems.
14-15% reduction for vehicles with automatic braking.
In 2012 pedestrian deaths were 14% of all crash fatalities
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found 72% of people who try the technology want them in their own vehicle.
Automatic braking lowers severity of unavoidable crashes according to an IIHS official.
Although there are people who want the technology in their cars, it can cost:
$2,000 on average for safety-related tech (not automation)
$10,000 for Cruise in Audi S4s, as mentioned.
Poor performance in adverse weather conditions
Who is to blame?
The car manufacturer? The programmer?
The driver?
Public Acceptance and Adoption
Vehicle to vehicle technology cannot function ideally without adoption across the board.
Minority vs majority
Few legal precedents
Legal in NV, CA, FL, MI, and the District of Columbia.
Failed legislation in TX, OK, CO, AZ, OR, WI, and NH.
Ethical Considerations
“Human drivers may be forgiven for making an instinctive but nonetheless bad split-second decision, such as swerving into incoming traffic rather than the other way into a field. But programmers and designers of automated cars don’t have that luxury, since they do have the time to get it right and therefore bear more responsibi