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文档介绍:义务教育条例(Compulsory Education Ordinance)
Compulsory education regulations of the Liaoning
(adopted at the fifth meeting f education of school-age children and adolescents, to prevent the drop out of school, family education and school management surroundings, support the implementation of the compulsory education. Parents or other legal guardians of school-age children or adolescents shall ensure that school-age children and adolescents receive compulsory education according to law.
The fourth compulsory education does not charge tuition fees and miscellaneous fees. The necessary funds, teachers, school buildings and facilities for compulsory education are provided by the government.
Education supervision mechanism of fifth above the county people's Government shall supervise the implementation of quality education and the balanced development of compulsory education work carried out in accordance with the law, the people's government at a higher level shall be an important basis for supervision as a result of people's governments at the evaluation of the implementation of the compulsory education.
Sixth of school-age children and adolescents exemption nearest school. City schools should recruit students in accordance with the designated school districts and publish their enrollment results to the public. Shall not take or disguised take interviews and testing forms of selection of students enrolled, shall not be competition, all kinds of social exams and certificates or donations as the conditions of admission, are not allowed to cross district enrollment.
The seventh city and county administrative departments of education should be in accordance with the fair, open and conducive to the principles of the nearest school, school district division plan reasonable formulation, reported to the provincial people's government for approval, and to the public, accept social supervision.
Eighth school-age children, adolescents, parents or other legal guardians, with ide