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文档介绍:分类号: 密 级:
UD C: 单位代码:
尝 号:1211031067
姓 名:- 林靖
专业名 称:- 法律(法学)
学 院:- 法学院.
指导教师:— 蒋帅. The main cause is no special laws to control prepaid-card, or no clear departmentalregulations to use. In order to safeguard the market economic order, protect the interests of consumers in the field of prepaid-cardconsumption,how to take effectivemeasures to change undisciplinedsituation has become a serious problem to be soon studied and solved.
Focusing on the legal risk due to no special laws or no clear departmentalregulations, I carry out the writing of this paper in accordancewith the writing idea of "as question, analyze and solve problems^.This paper consists of four main research^ncludes:
The first part is to introduce the general situation of prepaid-card consumption, focusing on analyzing the definition and classificationof prepaid-card,the developmentin current situation. It is to show that prepaid-cardconsumptioncan bring positive impact to the economy Then the first part has a theoretical and practicalbasis for writing.
The second part includes the typical legal risks of the prepaid-card consumption. The legal risks can be classified as three types: the risks of issuance, management, using and safeguarding rights. I will analyze the legal risks with cases by new view.
The third part is to analyze the causes of legal risk, including lack of legislationbasis, lack of regulation and some factors from society Moreover, I will combine the relevant domestic legislationandforeignlegislation.
The fourth part is how to take measures of the legal risk caused by prepaid-cardconsumption. To be specific, we can deal with risk by means of improving the legal basis to solve the problem of legislation-loss and poor regulation, making relative regulations to solve the typical problennn publishing, operating and rights relief, reforming litigationsystem to protect consumers'rights smoothly, strengthening social honesty and legal co