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文档介绍:形煞化解方法(Resolving method)
Originated in ancient China, dating back thousands of years ago, it is a natural science whichblood. The biggest harm of fire evil spirit is that it is not good for eyesight. It is easy to cause disaster and easy to speak.
The solution to the fire evil is that:
Place a jade ornament or ceramic ornament in front of a window or doorway facing a fire. Because of the five behavior of jade and ceramic ornaments, soil can be used to discharge the gas field of fire.
Jade is the essence of the earth and is the essence of the earth. Jade containing Hao Ran righteousness can resolve the oblique indecent bad gas. The Ancient Jade Emperor will be worn on the body, in order to evil purpose. The five elements of jade belong to the earth, so they can discharge the gas field of fire.
Lian zhen:
Backed by the barren poor for low Zhen sha. In Feng Shui science, more attention to the back of a patron, a patron representative, can get their superiors and relatives and friends help. If it is not backed by the poor, these help, only rely on their own independent struggle, start empty-handed. If the administrative personnel or representatives have the right to protest.
The solution is: in the face of a window curtain or often put down in the face of evil in the direction of two kylin to block evil. Kylin is a kind of auspicious China ancient totem. It is the most love


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