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心理学名词解释(Psychological noun interpretation).doc

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心理学名词解释(Psychological noun interpretation).doc

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心理学名词解释(Psychological noun interpretation).doc



文档介绍:心理学名词解释(Psychological noun interpretation)
Noun interpretation
creative thinking: refers to the re combination of exisstics: the speed, intensity, stability, and directionality of mental activity: natural, stable, and malleable
character: refers to the person in the stable attitude of reality and habitual behavior in the performance of individual psychological characteristics, personality is the core of the individual psychological characteristics. The features of attitude, rational characteristics, emotional characteristics, will feature introvert, extrovert type: independent, submissive, resistance type: theory, economy, rights, social, aesthetic, religious type. Physiological factors, family factors, social environment (decision), social practice, self education and self-cultivation (internal motivation) 10., the ability to directly affect the efficiency of activities, so that the smooth completion of the activities of individual psychological characteristics. Ability: the organic combination of various abilities, the ability to change qualitatively, is called talent. Genius: the abilityto develop highly creatively and to accomplish tasks is called genius. General ability: refers to observation, memory, thinking, imagination and other abilities, also known as intelligence. Vulgar ability refers to the ability of a person to engage in special or professional needs. Factors influencing the formation of abilities
: genetic factors, environment and education, personal practice, and human subjective factors
self consciousness: refers to the individual's views and attit udes to wards wha t he does, including his awareness of his own existence and his relationship with people or things around him.
observation: a purposeful, planned, positive perception, observation is the highest level of perception.
observation ability: the ability to observe, through the acquired system training gradually formed with a psychological characteristics of individual ability.
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