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文档介绍:毕业设计( 论文) 系别电力工程系专业班级学生姓名指导教师二○一二年六月高压电网规划设计题目高压电网规划设计摘要随着电力在国民经济发展中的作用的日益突出,电网的建设与发展正扮演着越来越重要的角色。电网作为联系电能生产企业与用户的桥梁,对供电的可靠性与稳定性有很大的作用,而电网的设计作为电网建设中的重要一环,必须给予高度的重视。本文简述了高压输电网设计的过程与方法。高压输电网的设计应根据用户负荷的相关资料,各配电变电所的地理位置和已有电厂的供电情况做出相应的功率平衡,确定各变电所变压器的主变容量与台数。根据已有的知识与经验设计出几种备选的方案,通过技术经济比较,主要从以下几个方面: 1 、按经济截面选择导线,按机械强度、是否发生电晕、载流量等情况校验导线,确定各段的导线型号。 2 、对各种备选方案进行正常和故障情况下的电压和电能损耗的计算,本过程的计算主要采用手工算潮流的方法,得出各种正常及故障时的电压损耗情况,评定各种接线方案。3、从各种方案线路的电能损耗,线路投资, 变电所的投资以及年运行费用等方面进行经济比较。综合以上三个方面确定最佳的方案, 即为本设计的选定方案。最后根据潮流计算结果对确定的方案评定调压要求,选定调压方案。本设计给出所选方案的完整接线图。关键词: 高压输电网络; 电力系统潮流计算;调压方式 HIGH-VOLTAGE WORK PLANNING AND DESIGN Abstract Along with power in the role in the development of national economy stick out increasingly, the construction of work is acting more and more important role with development. work takes a role of the bridge of producing -electrical energy enterprises and users; it is well known that work is unsaid for the stability and reliability of power supply. The design of power system acts as important one aspect in the construction of work, witch must give an extra attention. This paper concisely has introduced method and the process of the design of high voltage. It should be according to the related information of user loads, each distribution station site and the condition of power supply of existed power plants. Making corresponding power balance, and then determine every distribution transformer capacity and number. According existed some knowledge and experience, imagine two kinds choused scheme, compare through technical economy from some following aspects, require best design: 1, select wire according to economic section, according to machinery strength , corona, the current-carrying capacity etc. ,checking the wire model .2, Various choose schemes must be carried out calculation for normal and fault condition by manual power flow calculation .Calculation result are normal and fault voltage wastage conditions, remarking various wiring schemes. 3 .From loss, line inves