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文档介绍:思维方式与方法答案(Ways of thinking and Solutions)
Ways and means of thinking 4
, thinking is characterized by ABODE
the eleme new group. A
, there are 4 types of displacement thinking: ABCD
transplantation thinking refers to the application of scientific concepts or scientific and technological achievements in a subject area to other fields, resulting in innovative thinking techniques. A
transplantation can be divided into three groups: ABC
discrete thinking refers to the whole of the object through the subdivision, discrete as limited or infinite units, and thus create, invent one or more new products, produce a "A”
efforts: success B
car: transport D
27 scissors: cloth B.
ships: Marine C
wood; tables and chairs: B
wood: tables and chairs B
books: paper C
mountain: Hunter B
33 writers: readers: A.
fruit: Apple C
general: special D
green beans: pea D
: lotus lotus C
blog: network log C
rice: rice B
Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms D
the existence of life on earth is at least due to the following two conditions: first, a proper range of temperature is produced by keeping a distance from the heat source: two, the temperature range is constant, and the C is maintained
assessing work performance in a professional field is done in actual work. The doctor can freely access to books, lawyers can refer to code and case,.D
to commend a historian for the accuracy of historical events, as if to commend an architect for the use of qualified cement in the accomplishment of a magnificent building. D
anthropologists assert that culture can develop only if it is independent rather than dependent. That is, only when the pressure from outside is replaced by the pioneering spirit that comes from within, A
, a commercial building in the previous weak service market, played an anti season sales battle. Sales of its fur garments were 527 in June and 1269 in July, D
3, 13175, (B)
50. . (1) the emergence of commodity economy (2) capitalist production mode