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上传人:夜紫儿 2022/7/2 文件大小:12 KB





Conversation 1
A : What”s the bonus like at your company ?
B : Well , it”s OK , I s if I were you , I”d let them take back their monitor and spend my money on something more practical .
B : You”re kidding !
A : No joke!
B : That”s something else ! Maybe I”ll return it to them .
Conversation 2
A :Did you bring some lunch with you ?
B : Yes , I packed it myself .
A : Wow, that looks beautiful.
B : It”s my “health-conscious” lunch , good for my health and beauty .
A : I might try it myself .
Conversation 3
A : Hey , did you hear the news ?
B : No , what”s up ?
A : Miss Yang is dating the manager who”s married .
B : You”re joking !

A : No joke ! That”s why she hasn”t married yet .
Conversation 4
A : I think he won”t remember White Day .
B : Silly , you should make sure he does .
A : Uh-huh. How about you ?
B : He’s buying me a handbag, and then dinner at a gorgeous restaurant.
A : You got a big return for a small gift.
Conversation 5
A : It’s said that will be appointed as our head.
B : I”d rather quit my job .
A : has gotten many excellent achievements , she is qualified for it .
B : I admire her achieve


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