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2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册期末易考题练习(word版 无答案).docx

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2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册期末易考题练习(word版 无答案).docx

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2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册期末易考题练习(word版 无答案).docx



)1. 一 It is late. I have to go away now.
—All right. We you could stay long with us.
A. thinkB. areow?- We are planning one-day trip to Changzhou.
A. a B. an C. the D. 不填()- is it from our school to Hongshan Forest Zoo?
---1 am not sure. I guess it' s about 30 minutes by underground.
A. How many B. How long C. How far D. How often() Why do you like doing your homework with the door ?
--Because there is too much noise outside.
A. open B. opened C. close D. closed() We thought there was wrong because we didnJ t hear from you.
--Sorry, I was too busy to write a letter to you.
A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing() police the room carefully but found nothing.
A. saved B. reached C. shared D. searched()- you tell me how to use a dictionary, Mr. Wu?
--Sure. The guide word in the top corner of each page will help you.
A. Could B. Must C. May D. Should()? s unhealthy to sit for a long time. Why no stop and go out to have a rest.
A. working B. works C. worked D. to work() classmates and I on a school trip to Nanjing Museum the other day.
A. go B. went C. will go D. are going() unusual year 2020 was!
—Yes. Our lifestyle changed a lot because of COVID-19.
A. HowB. What C. How an D. What an( ) staying at home for a long time, about visitors came to Nanjing during the May Day holiday
this year.