文档介绍:htty://www. ren*inzhujiang- cn 第 43 卷第 5 期人民珠江
DOI : 10. 3969/j. nclusions are drawn fro* the results. Botto*
*icrobubble aeration has sipnificant advantayes * elect and energy consu*p*on; clear correlations a*ony aeration intensity, aeration
**e, and pPlu*nt re*oval rate are observed; when energy consu*p*on and elect are co*prehensively considered, *e roo* for
optimization of aeration/non-aeration ratio re*ains /wc. Finafy, an overview and prospects of the coupling study of aeration and other
technologies are presented- This research is expected to provide a theoretical reference for the treatwent of black and odorous water
bodieswiih aeeaiion iechnooogy.
Keywords: black and odorous water body; aeration technology; treatwent
城市黑臭水体是城市建成区内,呈现令人不悦 中国对黑臭水体的判定,常以水体透明度、溶解氧、
的颜色和散发出令人不适气味的水体的统称[1'2] & 氧化还原电位、氨氮等4个水质参数作为评价指
收稿日期: 2021 -09 -16
作者简介:吴佐京通(1997—),男,硕士,主要研究方向为水生态修复。E - *aii:wuzuojiny*******@yangtzeu. edu. cn
通信作者:戴先谱"1964—),男,本科,高级工程师,主要研究方向为面源污染防治、固废处理。E-*11: dai*anpu@ 163 - a*
标[3_6],具体标准见表1 气的一半左右&