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上传人:祖国的花朵 2022/7/2 文件大小:22 KB






dear sir/ madam:
  I have known mr.
  Caleb for more than 6 years since his freshmad quickly demonstrated his proficiency in learning and applying analytical methods. he e_hibited a great thirst for learning and always sought alternative solutions to problems by deepening and e_panding his knowledge, often going well beyond course requirements. his assignments, e_ams, personal inquiries and performance in class discussions demonstrated considerable prowess in dealing with quantitative issues. although i cannot say that he was the best student i have ever taught, i certainly appreciate his attitude and cannot help but applaud his effort and ability.

  Before he decided to go to graduate school, he discussed the issue with me. he indicated an interest in pursuing a career involving accounting and finance because he saw accounting as the basis of other business disciplines and recognized his own abilities and inclinations in this field. i believe that his solid verbal skills will also provide him with strong support.
  During the past three years mr. ____’s academic performance has been quite impressive, and he has demonstrated the ability to master a variety of widely disparate subjects. he did not e_hibit any weak subjects in the bachelor of business administration program, a comprehensive business program including subjects from various fields such as accounting, finance, quantitative business methods, marketing, and business law. last year he was awarded a departmental certificate of merit in recognition of his outstanding performance during one of his most intensive semesters. he was also placed on the faculty of business dean’s list during the ____-____ academic year.

  As a program leader in his discipline, i believe mr. _____ is well-qualified to pursue further studies in accounting, as demonstrated by his well-balanced abilities in both quantitative and qualitative me


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