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上传人:碎碎念的折木 2022/7/3 文件大小:14 KB





That night I took off the uniform for the last time. In the years I no more/ no more, no more... Isabella Rossellini

There was a period actually in my life, where I was lost about what to do and I think that’s when, modeling came about, which was something that I always said “no” to because I thought it’s, uh, 2)objectifying women, I don’t want to be part of it, but I was 28, I didn’t know what to do so I start modeling, never thinking that it was going to be, maybe, the most successful of the career that I’ve had. I regret it ‘ause I start modeling at 28. I could have started at 16 and have 12 more years of it. And after a certain age, you know, there is just less spots there. They, they just don’t write for women in their 50s and I’m 48 and so I thought, you know, instead of just, complain about there isn’t roles, but there are other things in life that I like and one of them was 3)cosmetic. And one thing that is good about getting old, I mean maybe I lose my looks but you become so bold, you have the courage of your action, you can start a business.
1) confession [kEn5feFEn] n. 坦白,成认
2) objectify [Cb5dVektifai] v. 使客体化,使客观化
3) cosmetic [kCz5metik] n. 化装品


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