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文档介绍:这些你都明白吗(These you all know)
the butterfly effect: 70s of last century, an American named Lorenz in the interpretation o
z/temper amentz/, around this tour, for a large number of private sardines, undoubtedly played a role in stirring: and sardine found such a "dissident elements”, also very nervous, speed swimming. This problem is the sardines hypoxia smoothly done or easily solved sardines will not die.
herding sheep: where to go, the sheep will follow where to go.
Herding is the first investment in shares of a term, mainly refers to the investor' s learning and imitation phenomenon in the transaction process, "suit”, blindly follow others, leading them to buy and sell the same stock in a certain period of time.
the hedgehog principle: two Mondayish hedgehog, due to cold and together. Because of their body covered with thorns, so they left for a long distance, but can not stand the cold, so together.
After the ordeal, hedgehogs have finally found a suitable distance: not only can get each other's warm and not be tied.
The hedgehog principle mainly refers to the "psychological distance effect in interpersonal communication”.
watch Law: watch Law refers to a person with a table, you can know what time it is,
And when he has failed to identify two. Table and can not tell a more accurate time, but will make the watch people lose confidence in the accurate time.
Watch law gives us a very intuitive inspiration in the aspect of enterprise management, is not the same person or the same organization at the same time using two different methods, can also set two different objectives, and even every man cannot by two people at the same time command, otherwise it will make a loss this enterprise or individual.
the broken window theory: a house if the window is broken, no one to repair, not long before, the other windows will be rather baffling to be broken; a wall, if there is some graffiti is not washed away. Soon, the wall was full of things out of order, not fit t