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文档介绍:1 川芎嗪对内皮祖细胞的功能影响作者:林杰徐力辛杨德业黄伟剑林捷张怀勤【摘要】[ 目的] 观察川芎嗪( TMP ) 对体外培养内皮祖细胞( EPCs ) 功能影响和损伤保护作用, 探讨它对冠心病的治疗作用。[ 方法]密度梯度离心法获取脐血单个核细胞, 培养 7 天后, 收集贴壁细胞,流式细胞仪、荧光显微镜法、 matrigel 试剂鉴定 EPCs 。收集贴壁细胞并分组为正常对照组, TMP ( 5mg/L 、 25mg/L 、 100mg/L 、 200mg/L ) 干预组, H2O2 ( 500 μ mol/L ) 氧化应激模型组, TMP ( 5mg/L 、 25mg/L 、 100mg/L 、 200mg/L )和 H2O2 共同干预组,培养 24h 。分别观察 EPCs 增殖、粘附能力及凋亡率。[结果]与正常对照组相比,( 5mg/L 、 25mg/L 、 100mg/L ) TMP 干预组对脐血来源的 EPCs 增殖、粘附功能无显著影响,( 200mg/L ) TMP 干预组显著抑制脐血来源的 EPCs 增殖、粘附;与 H2O 2 氧化应激损伤组相比,( 5mg/L 、 25mg/L 、 100mg/L ) TMP 能显著降低 H2O 2对 EPC s 增殖、粘附抑制作用及细胞凋亡。[结论]低浓度 TMP 能保护 EPCs 氧化应激损伤,改善增殖、粘附能力,减少细胞凋亡,但对正常培养的 EPCs 增殖和粘粘 2 功能无显著的促进或抑制作用。【关键词】川芎嗪内皮祖细胞过氧化氢缺血性疾病冠心病 Abstract :[ Objective ] This study was to investigate the effect of TMP on function of EPCs in normal or hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) inducing injury model cell culture , and to approach a therapy to coronary heart disease ( CHD ).[ Method ] Total mononuclear cells were isolated from the cord blood by ficoll density gradient centrifugation , cultured in the cells cultured for 7 days , identified them by cellmarkers and the ability of intaking the ac拟 LDL , and made sure they were divide the cells into three groups , TMP ( 5,25,100 , 200mg ), H2O2 ( 500 μΜ) model and TMP together with H2O2 , cultured for 24h and then detected the function and apoptosis of EPCs. [ Result ] Versus to control group , the TMP (5, 25, 100mg ) groups had no important effect on the proliferation and adhesion of EPCs , but TMP ( 200mg ) group had negative effect on to H2O2 model group , TMP (5, 25,100mg ) prEincubated groups had important protective effect on EPCs in proliferation , adhesion and apoptosis. [ Conclusion ] TMP could 3 protect EPCs from oxidative stress injury , but had little benefit to EPCs in normal incubation. Key words : tetramethylpyrazine ; endothelial progenitor cell ; hydrogen peroxide ; ischemic disease ; coronary heart disease 内皮祖细胞( EPCs ) 的概念提出已有 10年, 目前普遍认为 EPCs 的表面标记为 CD34 、 CD133 、 KD


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