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上传人:buzaiwuzhuang123 2022/7/3 文件大小:76 KB





721 He is my mother brother.
714 Is this a ruler? Yes, this is.
715 They are my parent .
721 He is my mother brother.
714 Is this a ruler? Yes, this is.
715 They are my parent .
716 Shall we go and have look.
717 Excuse me , where the TV room?
718 Maybe he’s your new students.
719 Whose your ball is this?
720 Who is the man in the red?
722 How old is you in the photo?
723 Are your son a doctor?
724 These are Lucy coats.
725 What can you see in the wall?
726 How can I go to the cinema?
727 Show I the small clock.
728 Is Mr. Read In home ?
729 The twins is in the same class.
730 Lily , come and have a apple.
731 Our shoe look the same.
732 His names are Lin Tao and Li Lei.
733 How can I get the cinema ?
734 Where are you go on Sundays?
735 What row is your friend ?
736 Your are under your bed.
737 Let’s to go to school.
738 You and your father look same.
739 They and theirs teacher are in the playground. 740 They aren’t know the boy’s name.
741 What are my football shoes?
742 Show the book to we.
743 Jim and Tom are in different class.
744 Look the girl over here.
745 Let she go to school.
746 The woman in a red is our teacher.
747 Would you please show he your new eraser. 748 We have a egg in the morning.
749 The red bag is you


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