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Part  I. Listening Comprehension
Part  II. Reading Comprehension(一课一练Unit1、3、4、5、6、7中r to make themselves more persuasive.
We have only five months to make preparations for the trip to the South Pole.
Prof. Lee’s eyes sparkled(闪耀) with enthusiasm as she talked about how her new teaching method worked in her College English class.
In my senior year I took a crack at(尝试) writing a novel, but without much success.
To reduce weight, I am now learning to play golf with my business partner, who plays like a professional.
You have to know what is right for you and then go after it regardless of what others may say.
May you look back at/on the past with as much pleasure as you look forward to the future.
Most of the old buildings were pulled down in this area so that blocks of new apartments could be put up.
We may say he stood for freedom and justice all his life.
In retrospect she says the most important thing is for parents to build in some kind of motivation or prospect that means something to their offspring.
To my mind, it is very important to follow up your letter and resume with a phone call when you apply for a job.
Before we set off for the camping trip, our five-year-old asked, “Can the microwave be hooked up to the electricity supply at the campsite, dad?”
She tried to swallow, but couldn’t, her throat had almost closed up.
Unit 4
1. The general ordered his troops to move quickly towards an advantageous(有利的) position.
2. People would think the seven-year-old couldn’t even reach the pedals, let alone(更不用说) drive the car. Nevertheless, he made it!
3. In a sense, we are witnessing(见证) the vanishing(不复存在) of national borders in many areas of economic activity in the world today.
4. The tower built at the turn of the century became a landmark(地标) of the city.
5. In a book entitled A short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Bryson tries to ignite a passion for knowledge in young readers.
6. It


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