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文档介绍:第2页 /总页数 17 页
【#英语资源# 导语】想要晋升更好的工作岗位,尤其是很多人都在竞争的时候,那这个时候就需要竞聘演讲稿了。以下是无忧考网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。
【篇一】ployed as an assistant accountant.
第2页 /总页数 17 页
2. have strong sense of responsibility and enterprising. Since the beginning, he has been engaged in the post of cashier and accountant, and has been responsible for the work. He has been able to check the bills by the provincial bank level, and has no major mistakes in the business handled. In XX, he was rated as "excellent Bank member" of the sub branch. I always think that as a young man, it is a bit of pursuit, and even more, it is impossible to escape from the increasingly fierce competition. The important task of history has fallen on our shoulders. We have to face difficulties, work hard and do it hard and give ourselves full play.
I understand the importance of this post. The promotion of Ximen savings office into a banking office fully reflects the high attention and boundless expectations of the Party committee and the President Office of the bank to the banking office. As the director of the new banking office, he should be hardworking and pioneering, aiming at the goal and keeping the public expectations, and ensuring the realization of the task.
4. be able to see your weaknesses. The business level needs to be further improved, and the savings business has not been contacted, but I believe I am able to adapt as soon as possible. Management is a new topic for me. In the future, I will constantly adjust myself, ask for advice with open heart, strengthen my study, keep pace with the times and surpass myself.
第4页 /总页数 17 页
2、 Objectives and tasks
If the bidding is successful, I will further emancipate my mind, lead colleagues to improve the quality of settlement, do a good job of highquality service, tap market potential, strive for highquality customer sources, create a new situation in banking office, and comprehensively exceed the tasks assigned by the Party committee