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上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2017/6/3 文件大小:87 KB





文档介绍:1 外文原文 Options for micro-holemaking As in the macroscale-machining world, holemaking isone of the most — ifnot the most — frequently performed operations for micromachining. Many options exist for how those holes are created. Each has its advantages and limitations, depending on the required hole diameter and depth, workpiece material and equipment requirements. This article covers holemaking with through-coolant drills and those without coolant holes, plunge milling, microdrilling using sinker EDMs and laser drilling. Helpful Holes Getting coolant to the drill tip while the tool is cutting helps reduce the amount of heat at the tool/workpiece interface and evacuate chips regardless of hole diameter. But through-coolant capability is especially helpful when deep-hole microdrilling because the tools are delicate and prone to failure when experiencing recutting of chips, chip packing and too much exposure to carbide ’s worst enemy — heat. When applying flood coolant, the drill itself blocks access to the cutting action. “ Somewhere about 3 to5 diameters deep, the coolant has trouble getting down to the tip, ” said Jeff Davis, vice president of engineering for Harvey Tool Co., Rowley, Mass. “ It es wise to use a coolant-fed drill at that point. ” In addition, flood coolant can cause more harm than good when microholemaking. “ The pressure from the flood coolant can sometimes snap fragile drills as they enter the part, ” Davis said. The toolmaker offers a line of through-coolant drills with diameters from " " that are able to produce holes up to12 diameters deep, as well as microdrills without coolant holes from " to ". Having through-coolant capacity isn ’t enough, though. Coolant needs to flow ata rate that enables it to clear the chips out of the hole. Davis mends, ata minimum, 600 to800 psi of coolant pressure. “ It works much better if you have higher pressure than that, ”he added. To prevent those tiny coolant holes from ing clogged with debr


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