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文档介绍:1 治疗小儿支原体肺炎3 种方案的临床疗效分析【摘要】目的探讨何种方案治疗小儿支原体肺炎更有效、更经济。方法将 87 例患儿分为 3组: 红霉素组、阿奇霉素组和联合用药组, 分析其临床疗效。结果红霉素组发热缓解时间最短, 阿奇霉素组和联合用药组肺部音消失时间较短, 而联合用药组住院时间最短, 所需费用最少(P )。结论无论从药代动力学还是从临床疗效来分析, 红霉素和阿奇霉素联合治疗小儿支原体肺炎更有效、更经济和更安全。【关键词】小儿支原体肺炎红霉素阿奇霉素 Clinical effective analysis in three schemes treatingchild mycoplasma pneumonia 【 Abstract 】 Objective To explore three schemes which was more effective and economic for treating child mycoplasma 2 pneumonia. Methods All of 87 cases were divided into the erythromycin group , the azithromycin group and the bination group. The ir clinical curative effect was analyzed. Results The antipyrefic time was the shortest in the erythromycin group. The time of wet rales disappearance was the shortest in the azithromycin group. In bination group , the time staying in hospital was the shortest , and the money spending was the least. Conclusion No matter analysis from pharmaco ics or from clinical curative effect , we find that using the bination , the erythromycin and azithromycin to treat child mycoplasma are more effective , more economic and more safe. 【 Key words 】 child mycoplasma pneumonia erythromycin azithromycin 1 资料与方法 一般资料选取 2003 年1 月~ 2004 年 12 月在我院普儿科病房住院治疗的 MP 肺炎患儿 87 例,其中男 52 例, 女 35 例,发病年龄最小 岁,最大 4 岁。 3 诊断标准所有病例均摄胸 X 线片, 符合肺炎改变, 采用 ELISA 法检测血 MP-IgM 抗体阳性, 均符合《褚福棠实用儿科学》(第6版) 支原体肺炎诊断标准[ 1]。 方法将 87 例患儿随机分为 3 组,即红霉素组、阿奇霉素组以及红霉素和阿奇