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文档介绍:无双大蛇攻略(Unique serpent introduction)
PS: if you want a simple way to get material, see below:
All the material into thess: starting within 10 minutes after this three ambush, started to enter the first down waiting for messages in the first batch of ambush occurs, Sanada yukimura would say to go to the 3 game player City inspections, to below the empty city, there will be a station called you down all the bows and arrows, after the fall of the light on the stage soldier, light, the first batch of men will appear, after the break, to the left corner of the city, will find a separate US soldier, a message appears to follow him (with a bit of patience, he will go around. . . ), he will lead the second batch of ambush, after the break, to the party empty corner, there is a single enemy soldier, break him, the last batch of men will appear, after the break, the valuables message will appear
props name "diamond"”
Get level: OR battle of the Warring States, Fancheng
Condition: rapid drawdown of water level
Process: starting within 7 minutes after the water level of Fancheng decreased (break Zhang He), started to clear out the starting point of the enemy, waiting for the message of the Watergate Guan Hideyoshi said, after the top left of the stronghold, is more than the ban, he defeated, the Watergate stronghold will open, open and close off in KO and other generals, pressure for Watergate after waiting for a successful animated story, valuables by a message appears, more than to suppress the Watergate break ban after a little patience, because there will be a lot of runaway Wu Jun dialogue, a bit long, so we have the important message is not the first time
props name malachite”
Get the level: OR, Wei Chuan, battle of Yiling
Get the condition: to break up to eight array of Pang Tong Shi Bing
Process: the game player himself within 7 minutes after the start of pangtong.
props name "crystal"”
Get the level: OR, Wu Chuan, battle of Osaka City
Get the condition: res


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