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文档介绍:星际初级攻略(Interstellar primary strategy)
> instant strategy (RTS) > instant strategy (RTS)
Starcraft strategy 1
Advancedon: create two replicas of the same object, but have no attack force, and are very vulnerable, and will disappear when the energy is exhausted. Archon Warp: two Templar variants form a Archon. The first two capabilities development units: Templar Archives. Arbiter has two special abilities. Recall: send an army back to its side; Stasis Field: to keep it from any harm for the time being, but the protector is unable to move. Development unit: arbiter
The Arbiter Tribunal.
Guide post
Scene one: Terran
Introduction: building camp
The battle of Terran: the horns of rebellion
Ten years since the end of the war,
The ruler Terran alliance has established absolute hegemony in the space colony. But four days ago, everything changed, and a huge alien army from alien space invaded and destroyed the unsuspecting allied colony of Chau Sara. Fearing that the alien army's next target will be the colonial planet Mar Sara, the league sends you to intervene as the chief executive. As a defender of the territory, you must make the situation of tension no longer worse.
Background: the office of the colonial chief executive, Mar Sara
Time: 2:25 SCT, December 12, 2499
The war report: the equipment test has been prepared according to your request, ready to start.
Task: build 3 Supply Depot: Building a Refinery: Collect 100 unit of power Gas (Vespene Gas).
Tip: as an introduction, it's not hard to do this. There are some Zerg junior warrior Zergling on the map. You can take all the troops and sweep them away.
the wilderness
Background: colonial Mar Sara, the colonial administrator's office
Warble: because of the invasion of Protoss, the alliance decided to impose martial law in Mar Sara. You must contact local SDF captain Raynor
Task: find Raynor: Build a barracks : Training 10 marines. Find the new task after Raynor: Raynor must live.
Tip: walk right down


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