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文档介绍:醋和盐的功效(The effect of vinegar and salt)
Vinegar health care, do not really do not know!
before a cup of cold boiling wa prevent influenza and other upper respiratory diseases.
vinegar and sugar red boiling water, cool drink to hot weather.
when nosebleeds, the use of cotton dipped in vinegar plug nose, blood that is.
toothpaste on two drops of vinegar brushing, holding the permanent teeth white.
warm water with vinegar, drink hangover.
add vinegar and salt in boiling water, drink once and treat mild diarrhea.
wash clothes, plus a small amount of vinegar rinse, in addition to the peculiar smell of clothing.
painted nail polish before coating vinegar, vinegar dry, and then coated nail polish is not easy to fall off.
fish, mutton, vinegar, in addition to xingshan.
cook noodles with vinegar, you can make noodles white, remove the alkaline flavor of noodles.
stir fry more salt, you can put a little vinegar to remedy.
peeled potatoes, soaked in vinegar water, potatoes do not change color.
removal of sand and scrub.
the chicken, duck eggs washed, and then vinegar bubble for two minutes, and then put eggs in salt water, salted for a week after it becomes salty.
before peeling taro, wash your hands with vinegar, it will not itch.
in the egg white and a spoon of vinegar, you can quickly hit the egg white foam.
add vinegar, boiled beef, kelp, potatoes and so on,
It's easy to boil.
fried bitter gourd, add a little vinegar, can reduce bitterness.
when the fish, coated with vinegar on the fish, fish are not easy to slip out. Fish scales scratch easily.
fermented dough, such as alkali put more, you can add white vinegar and alkali neutralization.
after shampooing with white vinegar onto hair, massage, then rinse with water slightly, the hair will become soft and black, to prevent hair loss. Shampoo often add vinegar to dandruff.
flowers, flowering.
in the modulation of insecticidal agent, you can add a little vinegar, can play a greater potency of pesticide