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上传人:老狐狸 2022/7/4 文件大小:13 KB





The Little Red Hen
Now, this is a story about the little red hen and she was a hard worker.
Oh,shem chasing my tail!“She said,“Uh-huh,real busy.“

So then she went to Miss Kitty and she said,“Miss Kitty,how you doing today?Miss Kitty,can you please help me harvest my garden?“And Miss Kitty said,“Now honey,you know I could,but I”m in the middle of a faclal .“
Well, Hen said,“Well,I”ll just have to do it myself.“
Well now,after she got it all harvested,and took it to the mill and had it ground up,because none of her friends would help her with that either.
She came back and she made it into some nice,fine,light ,yes she itwith some cinnamon and little honey and lots of I mean you could smellit all over the place!Oh,take a sniff now!
Whoo,I”m telling you,old duck smelled it down there in the old muddy pond.
And all of a sudden, he came squawking, wadding into the kitchen.
Then there was the dog, who was chasing his tail around the said,“What”s that I”m smelling? Smells mighty fine.“ And he followed his nose to the kitchen.

Then Miss Kitty,who was upstairs taking one of them long aftermoon naps, came down and said“Ohh,it smells so delicious d