文档介绍:1 HPLC 法测定复方氯霉素洗剂中氯霉素和水杨酸的含量【摘要】目的建立高效液相色谱法测定复方氯霉素洗剂中氯霉素和水杨酸含量。方法色谱柱为 C18 , 流动相为磷酸盐缓冲液( , ): 甲醇( 55:45 ), 流速为 , 检测波长为 278nm ,柱温为 25℃。结果氯霉素、水杨酸分别在 ~ μ g/ml ( r= )、 ~ μ g/ml ( r= )范围内呈良好的线性关系,平均回收率分别为 % ( RSD=% )、 % ( RSD=% , n=9 )。结论本方法简便、准确、快速、重现性好, 可用于该制剂的含量测定。【关键词】复方氯霉素洗剂; 氯霉素; 水杨酸; 高效液相色谱法 Determination of chloramphenicol and salicylic acid in chloramphenicol pound by HPLC 2 【 Abstract 】 Objective To establish a HPLC method for content determination of Chloramphenicol and Salicylic acid in Chloramphenicol The separation was performed on mobile phase was consisted of KH2PO4buffer ( ,): methanol(55:45) with a flow rate at and detection wavelength at column temperature was 25℃.Results A good linear range of Chloramphenicol and Salicylic acid respectively in the range from ~ μ g/ml9r=) ﹑ and ~ μ g/ml(r=).The average recoveries were % (RSD= % )and % (RSD= % ,n=9), This method was convenient,accurate,rapid and reproducible and suitable for the determination. 【 Key words 】 chloramphenicol pound;chloramphenicol; salicylic acid;HPLC 复方氯霉素洗剂具有止痒、杀菌、消炎等作用, 临床用于治疗脂溢伴毛囊炎型皮炎。据文献报道,该制剂的含量 3 测定多采用紫外分光光度法或中和滴定法[ 1] 。本文采用 HPLC 法同时测定氯霉素和水杨酸的含量, 方法简便、快速、准确、重现性好,可作为该制剂的含量测定。 1 仪器与试剂高效液相色谱系统,包括 P6