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新时期高度城市化地区生态空...以成都环城生态区及周边为例 钟婷.pdf

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新时期高度城市化地区生态空...以成都环城生态区及周边为例 钟婷.pdf

上传人:彩凤w 2022/7/5 文件大小:748 KB


新时期高度城市化地区生态空...以成都环城生态区及周边为例 钟婷.pdf



文档介绍:第 卷第 期 ,
41 nship between urban built-up areas
and ecological spaces in highly urbanized areas and realize the sustainable value conversion of ecological spaces is very important.
The paper summarized that the ecological space in highly urbanized areas has the characteristics of spatial heterogeneity and

functional complex. Based on the multiple values of ecological space it builds an enabling system for ecological space from three
: ,
aspects empowering ontology-receiving object-transmission medium and explains the key points from different scales of

macro-medium-micro. This paper takes Chengdu city-ring ecological zone as an example expounded the empowerment practice
: ,
combines with the spatial scale from three aspects the macro level of regional breakthrough build a high quality ecological
, , , ,
background medium level of developm


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