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unit3 b let’s talk m(教案.doc

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unit3 b let’s talk m(教案.doc



文档介绍:第 1 页
Unit3 At the zoo B Let’s talk Make a monster教案设计
1. 知识目标:
(2)T:Look , what’s this?
Ss:It’s a tail.(引导学生一起说,并出示tail单词卡,教读tail。)It’s a short tail.
T:What animals can you see?
课件出示一张有关动物园的图片,出示各种动物的身体部位,让学生猜测是什么动物,用英语“What animals can you see?”提问。
(设计意图:为出示第一个问题“What animals can they see?”做准备。)[来源:1ZXXK]
(3)T:Wow,there are so many are at the zoo.(课件中出示zoo这个单词,领读两遍。) Miss White and her students go to the zoo. What other animals can they see?(课件出示问题“What animals can they see?”听录音,回答问题。)
Ss:An elephant.
(4)T:Yes,it’s an what does the elephant look like?
(再次用课件出示问题“What does the elephant look like?” 听录音,回答问题。)
S1:It has a long nose.
S2:It has a short tail.
S3:It has small eyes and big ears.
(5)T:What does the elephant look like?(教师边问边出示一头大象,并将It has a long has a short has small eyes and big ,让孩子们复****一下,并放录音跟读。)
(6)T:You did very notice your pronunciation about eyes and ’s read after it one sentence by sentence.(听录音,跟读。)
(7)T:Ok,the elephant has a long about this animal?(课件展示一只猫,并用句型“It has…”用箭头指向猫咪的大嘴,引导孩子用“It has a big mouth.”同时出现各种动物,让学生用“It has…”说出各种动物的特征。)
第 3 页
(设计意图:出示各种图片,并且出示句子It has…,句子由易到难,最后一张图片上只有一个动物,老师问“What