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文档介绍:电焊工考试题2 (Welder test item 2)
Electric welder test
Is a problem, (it's a square root, not a picture.)
Carbon dioxide g it is very easy to create the defect, (a)
When the arc is closed, the welding gun switch is released after the welding is finished. Meanwhile, the welding torch is kept at the same distance. After the stop, the welding gun is removed (a)
Carbon dioxide gas shielded welding can be welded separately, vertical welding, horizontal welding, and back welding, (a)
In the welding operation of single side welding, when the gap between the groove is 0. 2 to 1. 4 mm, it should be done with straight wire welding or a small wiggle with the welding gun. (a)
When the gap between the groove is 1. 2-2. 0mm, the small swing welding of crescent shape is used, and the two sides should stay for a while, (a)
The common slope form varies according to the thickness of the workpiece.
There are I, Y, K, double Y, U, and double U. (a)
Two layers of the operation of the welding process, the first layer should use large welding current, welding torch and vertical plate Angle of 20 ° , 30 ; Should be used when the
second layer, the smaller the welding current, welding torch and vertical plate Angle increased to 45 - 50 ° , the welding
wire is pointed to the first layer of weld depressions, and the left welding method is adopted, (a)
In the process of vertical welding, it can be divided into downward welding and upward vertical welding, (a)
Vertical down welding gun pointing to in the process of molten pool, and slightly to lift and vertical axis into 60 ° , 80 ° Angle, using C02 gas and arc blow force retainer molten pool, (a)
It is easy to cause the loss of liquid metal and the failure of penetration, (a)
During the operation of vertical butt welding, the welding gun is roughly perpendicular to the welding part, and the welding gun has straight line and swing type. Straight-line welding appearance is poor and easy to bite, (a)
C02 gas shielded welding is less li


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