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财务英文自我评价范文 自我评价.docx

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财务英文自我评价范文 自我评价.docx



financial data, combined with the company's overall strategy for the company's decision-making and management to provide strong financial information support.
  second, actively cooperate with the accounting firm to carry out the project financial accounts;
  on the basis of financial infrastructure, engineering, final accounts of the work carried out a more detailed review, proofreading, scheduled by the end of october will be reported to the engineering financial accounting financial center. according to the requirements of the project financial information collection and management work, according to the contents of the project classification of the contract for the construction of 10 volumes for the completion of the overall acceptance of the financial work to do the basic work.
  third, earnestly complete the work;
  1, conscientiously implement the unified leadership of the deployment.
  2, and actively carry out daily financial management.
  3, to further strengthen the daily financial management, improve the financial rules and regulations and job responsibilities. in fiscal year, we increased the construction of basic financial work, from the paste paper, binding vouchers and other basic work, carefully review the original notes, detailed f


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