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文档介绍:Flexible Packaging Solutions 软包装解决方案 November 2007 ; Flexible Packaging Solutions 软包装解决方案 Performance / Cost Efficiency 高性价比 Functionality 多功能 Brand Appeal 品牌效应 Environmental / Regulatory 符合环保法规 Flexible Packaging Solutions 软包装解决方案? Products to meet market needs 产品满足各类市场需求? Heat Seal Coatings 热封涂料? Barrier Coatings 阻隔涂料? Print Receptivity 提高印刷力? Anti-blocking/Slip-Control Additives 防回粘/ 滑爽度控制添加剂? Corrosion-Inhibitor Coatings 防腐蚀性涂料? Primers 底涂? Overprint Varnishes 上光油? Tactile and Non-skid Coatings 手感和防滑涂料 Functionality 功能性? Heat-Seal – excellent hot-tack and low Seal Initiation Temperatures provide a wide operating window to converters 热封—卓越的热粘,低的热封起始温度,操作范围大? Barrier – coatings like VaporCoat ? 2200R enable renewable substrates to perform like conventional films 阻隔— VC2200R 等能够使基材达到传统薄膜的阻隔性? Slip Control – Michem ? bine superb performance with sustainability 滑爽控制— Michem Lube 系列能完美展现? Print Receptivity – DigiPrime ? 4431 primer is the market leader for HP Indigo digital printing 提高印刷能力— DP4431 底涂已用于 HP Indigo 数码印刷? Ink Protection – DigiGuard ? Gloss 110 meets the latest European food contact requirements while offering superior heat-resistance and gloss 油墨保护- DigiGuard ? Gloss 110 除了能耐超高温和具有高光泽外,还符合欧洲最新的食品要求 Flexible Packaging Solution: Print Receptivity 提高印刷能力? Michem ? Flex R ? Promote strong ink-adhesion to film substrates 增强油墨在薄膜基材上的附着力? Label face-stock 标签可以面对面贮存? Solvent, aqueous and UV inks 适用于溶剂型,水性, UV 油墨? Sheet-fed and web offset printing 单张和卷筒印刷均可? DigiPrime ? ? Primers designed for HP Indigo Press offset printing 用于 HP Indigo 印刷体系的底涂? Film and paper substrates 薄膜和纸基材均可? Acceptable for food packaging 满足食品包装要求 DigiPrime ? Sales are growing rapidly DigiPrime ?销售正在快速增长* projected Flexible Packaging Solution: Heat-Seal Coatings 热封涂料? Michem ? Flex HS ? Low heat-seal temperatures 热封温度低? High levels of hot-tack 热粘标准高? Adhere to a wide variety of film substrates 适用于各种薄膜基材? Designed to optimize slip and anti-block 卓越的滑爽性和不回粘性? Accept


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