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文档介绍:奥黛丽·赫本: 仙子貌,天使心 The fairy appearance, angel heart 国贸二班田雨晴简介?奥黛丽·赫本( — ) ), 著名影星,奥斯卡影后,世人敬仰她为“人间天使”。身为好莱坞最著名的女星之一, 她以高雅的气质与有品味的穿着著称。 1999 年,她被美国电影学会选为百年来最伟大的女演员第 3名。赫本晚年投身于慈善事业,是联合国儿童基金会亲善大使的代表, 1992 年被授予“总统自由勋章”。作为亲善大使,她不时举办一些音乐会和募捐慰问活动,造访一些贫穷地区的儿童,足迹遍及亚非拉许多国家。女儿赫本 She told us how she felt 1)pangs of emptiness at the sight of other children in their fathers ’ arm how she wished he were there so she could be like the others. As a child, she couldn ’ t let go of that 2)profound and natural desire. This is also why, after her divorces to both my father and my brother Luca ’ s father, she did all she could to ensure that we continued to enjoy plete relationship with both. 她告诉我们,当她看到其他孩子依偎在父亲臂弯里时,她是多么的失落,她多么希望她的父亲就在身边,那她就可以像其他孩子一样依偎在他的臂弯里。还是小孩的她无法摆脱那种深切而本能的渴望。所以,在她与我父亲和我弟弟卢卡的父亲离婚后,她还是尽其所能来确保我们和双亲的关系能继续保持完整。 1) pang n. 剧痛,悲痛 2) profound adj. 意义深远的妻子赫本? My mother loved her pletely, and she hung on to the marriage for as long as she could. What she didn ’ t do was to speak up and be heard when she needed to, and she didn ’ t put up healthy boundaries. Exhausted by an authoritarian mother, she wished for a world where caring and love came freely, but she had chosen two men who had to learn to cope with their feelings on their own. ?母亲全心全意地爱着她的两个丈夫,而且尽力维持这两段婚姻,而她没有做到的就是在必要时刻讲出她心中所想, 得到倾听以及建立适当的界限。母亲的专横使她身心疲惫, 深深渴望有一个关爱来得自然的世界,但她却选择了两个还没学会独立处理感情的男人。?赫本的丈夫?梅尔·费勒( Mel Ferrer ) ( ~ 1968 ) ?他参演的《战争与和平》的女主角正是他当时的妻子奥黛丽·赫本。?安德烈·多蒂( Andrea Dotti )( ~ 1982 )意大利医生母亲赫本? I remember school day 3 )cramming for exams for which she probably 4 )fretted more than I did. She would test me before bed and again in the morning, waking up with the sort of sleepy head only adults enjoy. ?我还记得上学时,为应付学校的考试而临急抱佛脚。可能那时侯母亲比我更焦虑。因为临睡前,她考我一次,第二天早上她混混沌沌醒来后,又考我一次。在那种刚醒来时头脑浑沌的状态下学****我想,只有大人才会忍受得了。? I remember her elation at good grade her support and positiveness for the “ not so good ones. ”?还记得,她会为我取得好成绩而兴高采烈,也会在我成绩不太理想时给予支持和鼓励。 3 ) cram (up)