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基于局部正则二次线性重构表示的人脸识别 黄璞.pdf

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基于局部正则二次线性重构表示的人脸识别 黄璞.pdf

上传人:十二官 2022/7/8 文件大小:587 KB


基于局部正则二次线性重构表示的人脸识别 黄璞.pdf



DOI:10.1189 the dictionary is large
without considering the label information,linear regression classifier(LRC)does not take the differences between inter-class sam-
ples into account and ignores the distance information and the neighborhood relations between samples.To address the problems
and shortcomings in these representation learning based classification algorithms,this paper proposes a locality regularized double
linear reconstruction representation classification method(LRDLRRC)for face recognition.Firstly,LRDLRRC calculates the in-
tra-class nearest neighbors of the query sample and uses the intra-class nearest neighbors to linearly reconstruct the query sam-
ple.Then the query sample is represented as a linear combination of all the intra-class reconstruction samples,and the representa-
tion coefficient is constrained by the reconstruction error between the query sample and the intra-class reconstruction samples.Fi-
nally,the Lagrange multiplier method is applied to solve the representation coefficient,and the classification result of the query
sample is determined by the ratio between the reconstruction error and the representation coefficient.Experiments on AR,FRGC
and FERET datasets show that the proposed algorithm has superior accuracy,time comple


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