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浑浊水体激光后向散射特性与实验研究 张鑫.pdf

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浑浊水体激光后向散射特性与实验研究 张鑫.pdf

上传人:珍珠夸克 2022/7/9 文件大小:1.58 MB


浑浊水体激光后向散射特性与实验研究 张鑫.pdf



Infrared and Laser Engineering
ISSN 1007-2276,CN 12-1261/TN

关键词: 蒙特卡罗;激光雷达;后向散射;浑浊水体;实验研究
中图分类号:TN249 文献标志码:A DOI:
Characteristics and experimental study of laser backscattering in
turbid water
Xin Zhang1,Siguang Zong1,Bin Li1,Yang Yu2
(1,Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430032;
2,Wuhan University, Wuhan 430070)
Abstract: Due to the absorption and scattering of water, the beam energy will attenuate in the process
of propagation, and the laser pulse will be widened, which restricts the detection range and accuracy of
underwater lidar. Based on the application background of underwater weak and small target detection
in turbid water environment, the photon propagation process is simulated by Monte Carlo method, the
Monte Carlo simulation model of underwater photon propagation is established, the echo signal of lidar
under different attenuation coefficients is simulated, the size of laser spot under different attenuation


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