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2007年6月大学英语三级 词汇题[突破英语等级考试].ppt

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2007年6月大学英语三级 词汇题[突破英语等级考试].ppt

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2007年6月大学英语三级 词汇题[突破英语等级考试].ppt


brilliant [5briljEnt] adj. 卓越的;灿烂的; 才华横溢的 He is a brilliant speaker. 他是一个卓越的演说家。
【近义词】synonym bright adj. 光明的;聪明伶俐的 She is a bright child. 她是一个聪明伶俐的孩子。 clever adj. 聪明的;灵巧的 Jack is a clever student. 杰克是个聪明伶俐的学生。 intelligent adj. 聪明的,智力高的 Bear is a intelligent animal. 熊是智力高的动物。
foolish adj. 不智的;愚蠢的; It is foolish to haphazardly adventure. 随便冒险是愚蠢的。 stupid adj. 笨的;头脑迟钝的; Love always makes people do stupid things. 爱情总是会让人做一些傻事。 unwise adj. 不聪明的;不明智的 Cheating in the test is unwise. 在考试中***是不明智的。
16. There are two maps on the wall:one is a map of China,and ___________ is a map of the world. A) other B) another C) the other D) the others 17. For years,doctors ___________millions of patients’ lives. A) have saved B) are saving C) will save D) were saving 18. Once more I have to leave Beijing,___________I have been living for eight years. A) that B) where C) which D) as
19. I was almost asleep last night when I suddenly heard someone _____at the door. A) be knocking B) knocking C) to knock D) having knocked 20. The conference ___________in Beijing next week is bound to be a great ess. A) holding B) being held C) to hold D) to be held
21. It wasn’t such a good job ___________she had read about in the advertisement. A) like B) which C) as D) what 22. It’s my great honor ___________to give a speech at the opening ceremon


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