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文档介绍:PERSONAL Address: 602#, 5 Hong Run Apartment, 2179 Pu Dong (S.) Road, Shanghai Tel: (8621) ************* Mob: (86) 13901eading venture capital firms in China with a range of domestic and international investors including such names as Motorola and was hired as one of the key members involved in the setting up of NewMargin Ventures especially in the area of financial and internal operation system detailed as follows: Responsible for leading the groups finance function and establishing &
improving the internal control system;
Responsible for internal finance & accounting; Developed the staff performance evaluation system and incentive scheme;
Monitored the fund s financials and prepared the shareholders reports;
Coordinated with the fund / custodian bank to execute our investments effectively; Coordinated with the audit firm to implement the annual audit of the fund and financial due diligence on potential deals; Assisted the investment manager monitor the portfolio companies;
Assisted in the merger negotiation and listing of portfolio companies; Assisted in the raising of an RMB fund, which was the first JV fund in China under the latest PRC laws. 01/98-04/99 Toshiba (China) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch Finance Director Led a team in managing the groups financial & accounting function;
Developed strategic tax plans for the company;
Prepared the annual budget and review


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