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上传人:设计吧 2017/6/15 文件大小:2.50 MB


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可调支撑A2.dwg [200.42 KB] 查看图纸



文档介绍:毕业设计报告(论文) 报告( 论文) 题目: 可变轨迹振动筛分试验台设计与分析作者所在系部: 机电工程学院作者所在专业: 机械设计制造及其自动化作者所在班级: B13113 作者姓名: 尹倩作者学号: 20134011340 指导教师姓名: 段新豪完成时间: 2017 年6月北华航天工业学院教务处制北华航天工业学院毕业论文摘要振动筛分试验台通常由激振器、工作机体或平衡机体、弹性元件组成,激振器产生周期变化的激振力,使工作机体产生持续的振动;工作机体则是筛箱、台面和平衡架体等; 弹性元件包括主振弹簧、隔振弹簧和连杆弹簧等。激振器通常由偏心块、主轴、轴承和轴承座组成。我国的大多数振动筛只能实现一种筛分轨迹,至多可以实现两种,这次我的设计是为了配合可调轨迹激振器设计了一个可调轨迹的振动筛分试验台,不同的振动轨迹则应有不同的筛面倾角,所以此次设计中的筛面倾角是可调的能在 0~25 °调节,试验在同一物料、同一激振力、同一筛面倾角和不同运动轨迹的情况下对物料筛分效率有何影响。或者试验同一物料、同一激振力、同一运动轨迹和不同筛面倾角情况下物料筛分效率有何影响。关键词: 振动筛运动轨迹可调支撑筛分效率北华航天工业学院毕业论文 Abstract Vibrating screen test bench is posed of the exciter, the working body or the balance body, the elastic element, the exciter produces the periodic change excitation force, causes the working body to produce the continuous vibration; The working body is the sieve box, the table and the balance Such as the main vibration spring, vibration isolation spring and connecting rod spring. The exciter is posed of eccentric blocks, spindles, bearings and housings. Most of China's vibrating screen can only achieve a screening trajectory, can achieve up to two, this time my design is to match the adjustable trajectory exciter design ofa tunable vibratory screening test stand, different Vibration trajectory should have different sieve angle, so the design of the sieve angle is adjustable in the 0~25° adjustment, the test in the same material, the same exciting force, the same sieve angle and different trajectories In the case of material screening efficiency. Or test the same material, the same exciting force, the same movement trajectory and different sieve angle of the case of material screening efficiency of the impact. Key words: V ibrating screen Movement trajectory Adjustable support Screening efficiency 北华航天工业学院毕业论文目录摘要................................................................................................................................ I Abstract ..........................................................................................................