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文档介绍:Hessen was revised in January 2021
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学校代码 景展开了细致的分析,对二胎政策开放实施的条件进行理论上的论证,有针对性的对二胎政策对经济、人口结构、产业链的综合影响展开分析;最后,进行了人口结构与经济发展的实证分析。
As a key element of economic development, people are the focus of economic research. Facing the aging population of our country deepening, in 2015 China's implementation of full liberalisation "two-child" policy, which is one of the countries should actively carry out the aging of the action. Fertility policy changes will change the population structure in our country, an increase in the number of newborn and the increasing aging population will affect social upbringing than level, demographic dividend and potential links between economic development and function of problem once again become the focus of research. Comprehensive two-child policy in the China's economic and social effects of wide-range, multi-layer, and not directly impact on the social output, cannot directly affect the speed of economic development, but by other variables affect economic growth, through a series of economic variables interaction, will eventually cause the relevant economic consequences. Demographic changes with age is the main characteristics of the impact on the economic growth process are implemented through a series of conduction variables, direct acting conduction variables generally is closely related to population, mainly include employment, savings and consumption level, social security, industrial structure adjustment, the level of human capital accumulation, etc. In classic economic growth theory, there are many factors which can affect economic growth speed, the main factors including the change of labor supply quantity, rate, and human capital accumulation. Therefore, this article from the two-child policy of population structure and age structure perspective, combined with the ratio and the change of population age structure resear