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owerpoint 图解英文标点符号的使用.ppt

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owerpoint 图解英文标点符号的使用.ppt



Put an end to
Language Arts
What is an end mark?
An end mark is also known as punctuatimes at the END of a sentence, and lets you know when to
There are a few more members of the punctuation family…
Click here to meet them.
I will need the following items from the store: bananas, grapes, watermelon, and lemons.
The colon is made with two periods.
It is used for time.
11:35 pm
It comes before a list.
The comma
The comma is used to separate a list.
My favorite animals are giraffes,
dogs, cats, and birds.
It is also used between the date and the year.
It was December 24, 2001.
Punctuation rap is a game we play.
It’s fun to do, and we can learn that way.
Take the period, the period; he’s not hard to understand.
You’ll find him at the end of a sentence or command.
He marks abbreviations, shortens words that are long.
Don’t forget the period, he’s small but strong.
Question mark, question mark, what did you say?
He follows a question, that’s the only way.
Wow! Awesome! Rad! Hurray!
The exclamation point is next; he’s got something to say.
He follows something loud, he’s excited to play.
Don’t use him too much, he won’t be special that way.
The comma is next, he is used a lot
He can separate a list of some groceries you bought
You’ll find him in the middle of the year and the date,
Between two adjectives, or a city and state.
You can join two sentences with a “but” or an “and”
Just remember the comma, he will give you a hand.
There is one more place that our comma has been,
He comes after a clause that tells you when.
The dash-the dash-he’s here, then he’s gone.
If you need to make a pause, then you bring him along.
Quotation marks are nosey. They have no reservations
About hanging around in any conversation,
You must put quotes around a thing that is said,
And also a poem or a story you’ve read.
The colon likes to show a list that will come,
His brother, the “semi” will not


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