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文档介绍:ROC 曲线在临床实践中的应用董小小 1,魏歆 1,罗明奎 2 (1. 第三军医大学学员旅九队,重庆 400038) (2. 第三军医大学数学教研室,重庆 400038 ) 摘要:目的:阐明两相关诊断试验的评价及比较的方法,为新的诊断试验的临床应用提供科学依据。方法:根据试验样本量的多少,选择双正态参数法或非参数法来估计曲线下面积,通过曲线下面积的比较,即可对不同试验方法的诊断价值进行比较。同时,结合 Meta 分析合并同类试验结果的中心思想,可以利用 RO C 曲线对同一类型的试验进行合并,即为 SROC 曲线。结果:当样本量少于 200 时, 建议使用参数法进行曲线下面积的估计,样本量大于 200 时两种方法均可。结论: ROC 曲线下面积可以有效地对两诊断试验进行评价和比较。关键词: ROC 曲线;曲线下面积估计;诊断试验; SROC 曲线中图分类号:R446 ROC curves in clinical practice DONG Xiao-Xiao 1, WEI Xin 1 ,LUO Ming-kui 2, (1. The 9 th Team of Cade t Brigade, Third Military Medical University, C hongqing 400038, China ) (2. Department of Mathematics , Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China )【 Abstract 】 Objective To clarify the methods of evaluation parison of two diagnostic tests and provide a scientific basis for the clinical application of new diagnostic tests. Methods According to the amount of test sample , select pairs of normal parameters ornon- parametric method to estimate the area under the curve . parison of the area under the curve , you pare the diagnostic value of different test methods . The same time , combined with the Meta-analysis of the central idea of ​ ​ the merger of similar results , you can use the ROC curve to merge the same type of test , that is, the SROC curve . Results When the sample is less than 200 , it is mended to use parameter method to estimate the area under the curve . When the sample is greater than 200, two methods are suitable. Conclusion The area under the ROC curve can be effective for evaluation parison of two diagnostic tests . 【 Key words 】 ROC curves; The estimate of the area under ROC curves; Diagnostic test; SROC curves 一、 ROC 曲线的介绍通信作者:罗明奎 ********** E-mail : lmk1053@ 临床医疗包括诊断和治疗两个方面,医生对疾病作出准确的诊断,毫无疑问对疾病的正确治疗有帮助。一个试验的诊断准确度有多大?多