County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, 、责任难落实 、积极性不高 、班子民主生活会不能按期召开
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、不想干 、不会干 、没时间干 、也不会干
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,增设专职党支部副书记或党支部(总支干事) ,增设2人
( )。
County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense work
County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense work7
County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense work
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