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文档介绍:英大学生注册表公开调查学生性取向 Form: The registration paperwork for Barnsley College includes tick boxes for students to indicate their sexual orientation, just below a question asking whether the applicant was the same gender now as at birth A college has been condemned for asking 16 and 17-year-old students whether they were gay or straight on registration forms. The teenagers were asked to 据英国《每日邮报》 9月 6 日报道,英国巴恩斯利学院在学生注册表上列出选项, 询问其是***还是异性恋, 以及是否是变性人。 plete the paperwork and indicate whether they were bisexual, a gay man, a lesbian, a heterosexual, a transsexual or 'prefer not to say'. The questions came on the same form pleted with innocent personal details such as their age, address and contact details. Some students have been in tears and claim it is an invasion of their privacy. They demanded to know why such a personal question is on the front of the form along with their names when the information could be provided anonymously. 相关人士的谴责。报道称,在收集学生年龄、地址和联系方式等个人信息的注册表上, 还出现了“男***”、“女***”、“异性恋”、“变性人”和“不想回答”这几个选项,要求学生作答。一些学生哭着说这些问题侵犯了他们的隐私。他们想知道, 为什么原本可以匿名回答的隐私问题会在写有他们名字的注册表里列出来。 16 岁的凯尔西· 贝内特说: “在勾选项时真的很有压力,要是选择‘不想回答’, 别人可能会质疑你为什么这么做。” 16 岁的蕾· 桑切斯看到表 Student Kelsey t, 16, said: 'You did feel under pressure to tick a box and then if you ticked 'prefer not to say ” it might make people question why you have done that.' Ray Sanchez, 16, was shocked to see the question on the front of the f


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