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  then i went to their famous temple after eating lunch with the villagers. inside the temple, i saw different statues of buddhas. the villagers told me some would let people become wealthy and healthy, while some would protect the fishermen when they went out fishing. i immediately, went to worship the one which represented health, as i didn't want to get sick easily again. although this temple was not very special, at least i could hope for a strong body and about buddha.
  as i knew that the scenery of the island was very wonderful, i requested the villages to take me to the beach. its name was not created in vain, the scenery was so impressive that i couldn't stop taking photos of it. the water in the ocean was so clear, and the sand was so soft. the ocean was enormous and there were many seagulls flying in the sky. unfortunately, the sky was too cloudy for me to appreciate the blue sky.
  time flew, it was evening then. i went to the campsite and put up my tent. the weather was quite good so i did not feel hot. on the second day, i kept on exploring but there was nothing special, so i left the island and returned home to look at the amazing photos.
  still, i highly recommend all of you to visit that island. the view there was not ruined and we


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