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上传人:文库旗舰店 2022/7/17 文件大小:90 KB





一 构词法
1构成名词 un- 不 happy-unhappy comfortable-uncomfortliving.
I was disappointed when I heard that my offer met with a cold (refuse) ______________ .
I can forgive a mistake but I can’t forgive (honest) _____________ .
The doctor received an (urge ) ____________ call from the parents of the injured child .
10. The child told the (true) ____________ when he said he hadn’t broken the window .
12. There are notices showing arrivals and (depart) _____________ of trains near the booking office.
13. One of our (differ ) ____________ is that he likes musicals and I like science fiction.
14. The local government decided to (wide) ___________ the main streets in the city .
15. We need to think it over before making the (decide) ______________.
16. (fail) ____________ is the mother success.
17. The conference turned down a number of unreasonable (propose) ________________ .
18 The youth is completely (quality) ____________ to be a teacher; for he has just graduated from the normal University .
19. what is the ( action) ______________ of Mr. Li to the plan made to improve the production line .
20. It is difficult (soft ) _____________ hard plastics after they are taken from the models.
21. Old people don’t like to (various) __________ their habits .
22. The (possible ) ____________ of man’s traveling to the moon has now been proved
23. Our teacher aroused our (curious) ___________ in class .
24. Her ( die )______________ appearance was de to long illness .
25. Put everything in its place . (tidy) ____________ is very important .
26. John seems a clever person . Even so, I don’t like his strange ( behave ) _________
27. Those ( guilt ) _________ of a serious crime must be severely punished . ..
28 she may need an (operate)_____________ on her knee .
29. It is ( danger ) ______________to walk on thin ice on a lake .
30. He looked at me with ( hate) _hatred in his eyes .
Answers: angry;


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