When I was eight years old, do not eat fruit, so the total face no glory, look very poor. No matter h
When I was eight years old, do not eat fruit, so the total face no glory, look very poor. No matter how much fresh fruit to father, I have a contemptuous disregard.
Father is always an empty buy fruit, from endemic to southern fruit, to the foreign fruit imports, 11 he bought a times, then I think the buy fruit is the father of a big hobby. The most annoying me is that he sees me and always loves to plug a cut and clean fruit in my hand, and he praises it again and again.. I grabbed a book, a look at is an hour, watching the hands still holding a large fruit, after watching, turn brown fruit thrown, pat, and go to other things. Father saw the trash can change the color of fruit, sighed, and went to wash the fruits and so I came to eat.