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关于节约粮食的英语作文节约粮食 从我做起.docx

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关于节约粮食的英语作文节约粮食 从我做起.docx

上传人:PIKAQIU 2022/7/17 文件大小:12 KB


关于节约粮食的英语作文节约粮食 从我做起.docx



文档介绍:关于节约粮食的英语作文:节约粮食 从我做起
Whenever we saw in the trash only had one bite of bread, she saw her classmates did not finish th

关于节约粮食的英语作文:节约粮食 从我做起
Whenever we saw in the trash only had one bite of bread, she saw her classmates did not finish the meal, what would you feel? Are we really that adequate food, inexhaustible it?
No, no. There are still 100 million people to eat food and starving with. Africa, Americas, Asia and even Europe has. We count an account, about billion Chinese people, waste of one meter per person per day if a week is wasted billion meters, a month wasted 39 billion meters, a year as a waste hill high pile of rice. If you save one meter per person, it can greatly reduce China and the world”s food supply difficulties.
Our school”s restaurant, on the leftovers while filling the swill bucket, watching a great pity. Although the restaurant wall plastered to cherish the food cues, can be and who would really do it? Lip wasting food is a shameful act, he is not the same as in the waste?
Maybe you did not realize they are wasting, that of the motherland with vast land, waste that does not matter. However, China”s population of about billion, net annual growth is 12 million; per capita arable land area of ?? acres, is the world”s per capita value of 1 / 4; urban populatio