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上传人:游园会 2022/7/17 文件大小:12 KB





From early in the morning, I mope, because it can not think of what gift to give mother. Later, I came up wit

From early in the morning, I mope, because it can not think of what gift to give mother. Later, I came up with in my opinion the best gift for mother. First to see Mother, I sang loudly: “Mother, Mother”s Day Happiness! The world is only a good mother, there is the mother of the child as-bao block.“ Singing, leaves itself a son and mother”s arms, “dropped into the embrace of mother, and ultimately, happy ... ... “Mother died in Iraq last year, with deep feeling with me, Staring at me, eyes full of love and caress. Looked thoughtful, I grew up my mother smile ... ...
  Mother, in fact, you know, daughter wanted to tell you there is worth a thousand words, but there are also all into this beautiful melody, which Beat notes the go. Here not only has his daughter”s aspirations, more daughters are infinite gratitude to you, sincere love.
  People will have a total support of our total love for us there is a touching, heartbreaking. Ah! Mother, you like an umbrella, an umbrella unusual. Summer, for me keep off the sun, winter, let me escape the harsh wind and snow.

  If you love the sun, let you love your mother, becau


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